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Virtual Checklist

This checklist helps fight assistant in a virutal tournament to not miss any step. There might be steps which do not apply to your tournament.

Room preparation (15 min before start)

  • open bbb conference for your room at
  • be sure to connect to the chat at There is a channel named after the room with all participants for asynchronous communication
  • Say hello to the chairperson of the fight
  • Tell the jurors where they can enter their grades: -> Grading -> Stage 1
  • Open your FA panel at
    • Then you have a Fight menu entry and an overview.
    • Select the current room and round.
    • Check if the jury in the CC is the same order as distributed
    • Go to Stage 1 and open Clock
      • The clock opens in a new tab.
      • Detach the tab.
      • You can control the clock with the buttons on the control panel or on the clock directly


This clock is the definitive source of time! :fire: :clock1:

- Other participants can open a replica clock at **Clocks** -> Stage 1
  • If a team wants to invite a guest to the bbb, let the organizers know -> chat.

During the Stages

  • Start the clock when the chair advises you to do so
  • Note the rejected problems and the accepted problem in the FA panel
  • Before grading starts (Might be done at start of stage): Save and open Jurors to allow jurors to enter their grades. The stage might be open for grading already.
  • Refresh page to check that all grades are entered. When done, notify Chair.
  • Each juror reads out their grade.
  • At grading write down the grades when read out:
    • once onto a sheet of paper
  • Take control of the grades by Save and close Jurors and cross check with the paper.
  • The preliminary grades once closed for Jurors are visible for all room attendees at Grades on

Before the next Stage

  • Advance to the next stage in the FA panel
  • Open the new clock. You must close the old clock.

After all stages

  • Remind teams to leave feedback for chair and jurors at:
  • Save and lock fight in FA panel